- Reference to the description:
- Description:
- XWiki Platform is a generic wiki platform. Starting in version 7.2-rc-1 and prior to versions 4.10.20, 15.5.4, and 15.10-rc-1, by creating a document with a specially crafted title, it is possible to trigger remote code execution in the (Solr-based) search in XWiki. This allows any user who can edit the title of a space (all users by default) to execute any Groovy code in the XWiki installation which compromises the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the whole XWiki installation. This has been patched in XWiki 14.10.20, 15.5.4 and 15.10 RC1. As a workaround, manually apply the patch to the `Main.SolrSpaceFacet` page.
- Last updated date:
- 01/21/2025
- Type:
- exploit
- Confidence:
- Date of publishing:
- 01/21/2025
- Reference url to background
- Type:
- exploit
- Confidence:
- Date of publishing:
- 01/21/2025
- Reference url to background